After an accident that results in serious injuries, you may feel stressed over the impending medical bills, the changes to your life, and the burdens on your family. You should not handle this situation on your own. Instead, you should seek legal guidance and representation so that you can fully understand your options and pursue the person or company responsible for your injuries. If you were injured in Florida, you should contact Freeman Injury Law. We have offices in Miami, Plantation, West Palm Beach, and Maitland/Orlando, from which we represent victims injured in car crashes, truck accidents, motorcycle accidents, slip and falls, construction accidents, incidents of medical malpractice, and many other accidents. Our personal injury attorneys have decades of combined experience, and we charge no fees unless we get compensation for our clients.
At Freeman Injury Law, we understand how difficult it is to choose an injury attorney after you have been hurt or a loved one has been killed. Your law firm must be your advocate and must use legal knowledge, skills, and experience to protect your rights and the financial well-being of you and your family.
Many car accidents occur because one or more drivers acted negligently. In Florida, you must usually show a serious injury to go beyond no-fault insurance coverage and sue another driver. To establish another driver’s negligence in court, a personal injury attorney in the area would need to show that the other driver owed you a duty, the other driver breached that duty, there was actual and proximate causation, and you suffered damages. All drivers have a duty to use reasonable care when operating their cars, and there are many ways that they can breach that duty. A breach of duty may occur when a driver texts or otherwise gets distracted behind the wheel, drives while drunk, runs a red light or stop sign, or drives while excessively fatigued, among many other examples.
In a truck accident case, we will investigate to determine whether both the truck driver and their employer may bear some responsibility for the accident. It is important to work with an attorney who understands how to hold these parties responsible as appropriate. In many situations, the injuries suffered by victims in a passenger car after a truck accident are catastrophic or fatal, due to the size and weight of the truck. In addition to holding a truck driver responsible for their negligence, a personal injury attorney may be able to hold the employer vicariously (indirectly) liable or directly liable. The direct liability of an employer may be established if you can prove negligent hiring, supervision, or training. Vicarious or indirect liability simply means that the driver was an employee of the trucking corporation and on the job when they caused the crash.
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